Post by Nexx on Feb 19, 2013 1:39:32 GMT 1
Forum rules
By registering on this forum, you agree to abide by the following rules:
1. No flaming or disruptive behavior.
2. Do not use proxies or TOR browsers.
3. No spamming or flooding.
4. Administrators and moderators have the right to edit, suspend or terminate your account and/or content at all times.
5. Any posted or published content on these forums is owned by their respective users, and the respective users are ultimately responsible for their post or published content.
6. ABSOLUTELY no exploiting web or server codes.
7. ABSOLUTELY no real life trading of any kind.
8. ABSOLUTELY no pornography, gore, nudity or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material of any kind.
9. ABSOLUTELY no content that is defined to be illegal by the country you currently reside in's laws, as well as the laws of the United States of America.
10. Do not post links to malicious content, or content that breaks any of the forum's rules.
10.1. Posting links to NSFW content is allowed, but ONLY IF you at least include a straight-forward, comprehensible warning that the linked content is not safe for work. The content also has to be legal by your country's and the USA's laws.
11. No racism. Avoid discrimination of any kind.
12. Write in the English language. We cannot moderate what we cannot understand.
13. Do not post religious or political propaganda.
Breaking any of the above rules will result in a warning or worse. Breaking any rule that start with "ABSOLUTELY" will immediately result in a ban without a warning. Ban lengths depend on serious the violation is, and how the violation is committed.
Forum etiquette
We also have an etiquette, which is optional to follow, but suggested to adhere to. Our forum etiquette:
1. Try to keep swearing to a minimum.
2. Try not to write in all caps.
3. Be kind to others.
4. Try to avoid discussing religion, racism and politics. These subjects often get the worst out of people.
5. Try to write in an ordered, grammatically correct, or at least generally comprehensible manner.
Breaking the forum etiquette will only be punished if the violation is considered to be severe enough to be eligible for some kind of punishment. This is done with utmost care, and always done under discussion and agreement by the majority of, if not all, moderators and administrators.
By registering on this forum, you agree to abide by the following rules:
1. No flaming or disruptive behavior.
2. Do not use proxies or TOR browsers.
3. No spamming or flooding.
4. Administrators and moderators have the right to edit, suspend or terminate your account and/or content at all times.
5. Any posted or published content on these forums is owned by their respective users, and the respective users are ultimately responsible for their post or published content.
6. ABSOLUTELY no exploiting web or server codes.
7. ABSOLUTELY no real life trading of any kind.
8. ABSOLUTELY no pornography, gore, nudity or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material of any kind.
9. ABSOLUTELY no content that is defined to be illegal by the country you currently reside in's laws, as well as the laws of the United States of America.
10. Do not post links to malicious content, or content that breaks any of the forum's rules.
10.1. Posting links to NSFW content is allowed, but ONLY IF you at least include a straight-forward, comprehensible warning that the linked content is not safe for work. The content also has to be legal by your country's and the USA's laws.
11. No racism. Avoid discrimination of any kind.
12. Write in the English language. We cannot moderate what we cannot understand.
13. Do not post religious or political propaganda.
Breaking any of the above rules will result in a warning or worse. Breaking any rule that start with "ABSOLUTELY" will immediately result in a ban without a warning. Ban lengths depend on serious the violation is, and how the violation is committed.
Forum etiquette
We also have an etiquette, which is optional to follow, but suggested to adhere to. Our forum etiquette:
1. Try to keep swearing to a minimum.
2. Try not to write in all caps.
3. Be kind to others.
4. Try to avoid discussing religion, racism and politics. These subjects often get the worst out of people.
5. Try to write in an ordered, grammatically correct, or at least generally comprehensible manner.
Breaking the forum etiquette will only be punished if the violation is considered to be severe enough to be eligible for some kind of punishment. This is done with utmost care, and always done under discussion and agreement by the majority of, if not all, moderators and administrators.