Welcome to Niterecraft!

We are a humble Minecraft server with a great community, alert and helpful staff, tidy organisation, a nice map and plenty of fun events. We swiftly deal with hackers and rotten apples and put our full effort in ensuring the best possible playing experience for our players. More so, our mods and admins play on the server just the way its players do, so we can maintain the feeling of equality that should be there in every server.

Our server uses:
- Factions
- iConomy
- ChestShop
- Player Skulls
- Buycraft
- AntiCheat
...And many more plugins.

Join us today! Our server IP is just at the top-right of this box. We look forward seeing you visit our server!

Please do register on our forum and constribute! More souls, more happiness! You can find the "forums" button on the navigation bar, right under the picture of the pretty little town. We hope to get the forums going and encourage maximum interaction between players.

Server IP